Pet Pets

The Angelpuss is a sweet adorable little kitty for your NeoPet to look after.
A Warf is a cross between a Dog, and erm...something else!
Buzz buzz buzz!  Keep your pet happy all day, playing with this buzzy thing!
Why not adopt this cute baby pig today?  But beware, it eats a lot of food. What a pig!
This lovable rubber pal will bounce off the walls when thrown. A whole lot of fun!
A really rare pet, the Mongmong is said to bring great luck.
It rarely opens its mouth, but when it does, its 20 foot long tongue can catch any fly.
It looks really mean but the Cobrall is a great companion for any NeoPet. It can spit Negg juice up to 30 feet.
Tigermice like taunting NeoPets, pulling ears, and biting tails - so beware!
Ohh...the Spyder is creepy...make sure your NeoPet isnt afraid of it!!!
The Triffin is a very, very rare pet indeed. It can see things that nobody else can by using its magical third eye.
This pretty puppy will fetch anything that is thrown for it.  It eats almost anything!  It loves children, too!
It looks like a duck, acts like a duck, but when frightened, it makes a loud wail like a hyena!  Its very friendly and loves all NeoPets. Makes a great pet for your pet.
The Poppit is a strange insect like creature. It uses suction to stick onto walls, and if it needs to, it sucks air into its body and can fire itself up into the sky!
The Huggy gives a hug to anyone it sees. It is quite overly friendly and sometimes annoyingly so.
The Uniocto swims quickly, which makes it hard to catch. So if your pet allows it to get away, you may have to get a new pet for your pet.
The Beekadoodle loves to fly around at speeds faster than any other pet around. It sings beautiful songs all day long.
This pet looks unusual. Its a cross between Fungree and Buzzer
This pet is a cross between a Poppit and a Spyder.
Blooky is a cross between a Triffin and an Anglepuss.
This Moink pet is a loyal friend to your NeoPet baby.
Pinceron will give anyone who trie to scare your pet a nasty nip!
The Neotrak will fetch anything your pet wants, which is why it is so expensive!
Avabot is the ultimate pet...he never needs feeding and can shoot lasers out of his eyes when provoked.
The happy Diddler is the least expensive of the RoboPets - it keeps them happy with its variety of built in games!
The Wheelie was a project gone wrong. This happy little robot just wheels about smiling at people...
Screwtop is a fairly simple robot...he has a toolkit hidden in his head, and is helpful when doing DIY.
Alfy is a fun little guy that will provide hours of entertainment for your pet with his ability to stick to any smooth surface.
Your pets Auntie pet has the unique ability to recieve radio transmissions...even underwater!
When not playing fetch with your pet, Blumpy will stay in his bowl and chase his tail until he becomes dizzy.
Boris is a mysterious fish-like creature with spots that turn bright red when he is happy.
Bubbles can inflate itself to 10 times its normal size, which means your pet can also use it as a beachball.
Cleo is part octopus, part fashion designer with a groovy sense of what is hot, and what is not.
Your pet will never have to pay for another haircut with a Clipper pet.
Conehead is a small crab-like crustacean that lives in the abandoned shells of Scruffys.
Crabby is a one-armed crab with only four legs, hence his name...hes not happy about it.
Flapjack loves to cook, freeing your pet from the trouble of getting up early to cook you breakfast.
If your pet likes to garden then it will need a Flippy. This little turtle loves to dig, and will eat any weed.
Goldy is a hybrid goldfish whose eggshells are supposed to be of pure gold, insuring your pet of a continuous supply of riches.
The Gomer is the result of an accident in the chemical processing plant which enables him to cure all forms of underwater diseases with a kiss.
Gulpers love to make music by inhaling large amounts of air and blowing it out of the airhole on top of their heads.
Gumdrop gets its name from that fact that the first one was discovered in the Koi Gumdrop factory.
Your pet will enjoy Legs ability to juggle 28 balls at once while dancing an irish jig.
Phishy has a reputation for having a sweet tooth the size of Neopia, so keep your pet well stocked with candy if it owns one of these.
Your pet will enjoy being pulled through the water by Pokey.
Prince is a flamboyant pet who loves disco and polyester.
The ornate object on the head of Prissy is used as decorations during the annual spring festival.
Ruby is gruff, and full of attitude. Be prepared for trouble if your pet has one of these.
Put more than one Scruffy in the same tank and you will understand how it got its name. These pets are very territorial.
Seamonkeys come in troupes, which will dance for you pet if they hear music.
Sharky is not really a shark. He would like to be a shark, but he doesnt have any teeth.
Sluggo has wisdom galore which it loves to pass along to unsuspecting pets.
Probably the happiest petpet for your NeoPet, these guys can not stop smiling.
Snappy is the worlds smallest shark with a voracious appetite for chocolate.
Speck is an enigma. Researchers have spent years trying to figure it out, but havent come up with an answer.
Swirly was at the bottom of the food chain before NeoPets starting adopting them as petpets.
This super Combobot is a fully fledged galactic defender, makes food, will do your homework for you...and best of all, takes rechargeable batteries :)
The Ultra Pinceron is a beefed up version of the normal Pinceron.  It can extend its arms 30 feet to nip nasty people at a distance!
Ultra Pinceron
The most powerful pet robot in the world - The Ultra Mega Bot 2000 also boasts a built-in console system, jet pack and ice maker!
Ultra Mega Bot 2000
Pinky is a cross between an octopus and a squid.
A great friend.. for as long as the weather stays cold.
Abominable Snowball
This mouse can see into the future!!!
It may look cute, but it has a nasty bite.  The baby vampire hates light and is usually found hanging around in caves.
Baby Vampire
A cross between a pool ball and a spot of ink, the Bloop
Bwaha hahahah.  This fat cat will spend all your Neopets money!
Fat Cat
This scorching fireball wandered too far away from the sun in search of a cooler climate.
Baby Fireball
The last pop up box he was in broke, and he was set free... to scare little pets everywhere!
Scary Jack
Just from the slab, this little guy was made from the finest of pet parts.
Lil Frankie
This baby cyclops has lost its cyclops parents and needs somebody else to take care of it.  Are you up to the job?
Your pet will love a little devil to look after.
If you blow your nose on him then he will not be very happy.  The ghostkerchief haunts peoples pockets!
This friendly freak just wants to be loved.  Its three heads never agree on anything.
All the way from Egypt, this baby Mummy is trying so SO hard to scare people...  does he scare you?
Mummy Baby
These baby skeleton pirates are usually off hunting for treasure!
Skeleton Pirate
Too many artificial colours and preservatives made this drink turn bad!
Sugar Rush
This baby bomb has a very short temper!
Short Fuse
An evil spirit that lives inside eggs... beware of the breakfast that bites back!
Rotten Egg
Walking Carpet
This special creature is half teddy bear and half huggy - and ALL FEAR!
Huggy Bear
Secret Spoppy!
Spoppy II
Froilers lurk in dark hot places... and can turn themselves invisible.  They love eating Chias!
This little guy used to be able to fit into its shell but as a fully grown turdle, it is too big. You can now give it a home.
It looks like a frog but is actually a frogarott. It jumps high and it spits fire so beware.
Super Secret Spoppy!
Spoppy III
A Pikis is a tiny floating bear who can show its emotion on its chest.  If it is happy then you can see a big red heart!
The Flosset is a jolly little fellow that wants to be a big grown up Neopet!  He isnt happy being small.
Legend has it that a band of evil Korbats were transformed into mindless Barbats under a wicked curse.
Its older brothers Cumulo and Nimbus abandoned it as a child, so now its up to your Neopet to look after it!
Can you guess what it is yet?
Mee-meep, take me home, I will be the perfect pal for your NeoPet
Miamice hop along the deserts of Southern Neopia in packs, but they secretly want to be adopted and loved!
This little pet pet wont stop shrieking until you feed it.  It can get very annoying at times.
Flouds just float around until they bump into something interesting.  Never feed them carrots.
A Whoot is a wise bird that will perch on your Neopets shoulder.  It has the uncanny ability to know when the Pant Devil is around...
A Noil is a fluffy, bouncy companion who will follow your Neopet where he or she goes.
Devious and swift, a Pinklet will give your Neopet advice on how to cheat at every card game!
The Hornsby is a cross between two other species, we arent sure which.  They are sad, and prefer to be alone.
A Bloopy will try and steal your Neopets food when it isnt looking.  It can store food in its cheeks and double its size!
Carma can catch food for your Neopet with its sticky tongue.  Whether your Neopet wants to eat it is another question.
Stego is a baby Stegosaurus!  This little guy has wings also, he uses them to fly from tree to tree when finding his favourite food - Blue Toobers.
Uggatrip is happiest when he is tripping Neopets over!  Watch out for this sly little one!
Airax will perch on your Neopets arm (if it has one).  It loves to launch itself up into the air and swoop around.
Searex is the water going cousin of Airax.  He can breathe out of water as well.
Acko, or ackosaurus as he is known, is a little dinky dinosaur who loves to brush against things and purr.
The Magtile is a cross between a Neo Maggot and a Reptillior Snake. Beware, they love blood.
Trumpadon is a little fella but when he makes tracks you'll feel it. A vibration will shake through your town.
Beware when you purchase this pet. It will eat you out of house and home.
What could be more precious than a baby Isnewee? Nothing at all. They love green neggs and Cheese.
The Gruslen may appear to be cute and harmless but if you anger them you could be in for a visit to the Neopian Hospital.
The Bluna was first sighted under the ice caps of Tyrannia. They are very very cold pets and if you touch them you could get a bad case of Neopian frost bite.
Gathow is a very strange pet. It never blinks its eyes and you never know when they are sleeping because their eyes never ever close. Go figure...
The Krawk is a great pet to have. You can train it to fight and some Krawk have been known to be as strong as full grown Neopets.
Scado is an underwater dweller that resembles a coconut. Some Skeith would even say that they taste like Coconut too.
What can we say... It's a pet rock.
Pet Rock
This little fella is very shy and doesn't like lots of light. It needs tons of attention so make sure your pet is ready for a pet of its own.
The Reptillior is venomous and you don't want to fool around with this pet. You really have to be well trained if you want to own one of these wild Reptilliors.
A cute little Walein is just the thing if your NeoPet is feeling blue :)
Ramosans are little friendly eels from the bottom of the ocean.  When they get upset they can give a nasty shock!
This little chap will make sure your NeoPet gets up bright and early with its morning cry of Pea-da-doodle-do!
A strange crossbred animal, but one that delights in finding small treats for your NeoPet!
The Flizzardos tail can be extended up to three feet away to pick up objects!  Flizzardos (a distant relative of flizzards) are cheerful and happy.
With its huge sticky feet and incredible sense of balance the Hopso can leap from anywhere and land on anything.
The Chezzoom can make the most unhappy pet crack up in laughter when it tickles them with its ears or tail.
Eustabee used to be a beast but was zapped by a mutation ray and it is now the lovable Eustabee seen here today.
Tenna is a pet as well as a game. Grab it by one of four limbs, swing it around and around and let go to see how far you can propel it into the air. Do not worry about going to fetch a Tenna. After it is thrown, it will walk back to you.
Boogie is kind of gross to touch if you ask anyone who owns it but it does have an uncommonly great scent. (A sort of sour apple type smell)
Kadoatie is what we like to call a pain in the neck. When it is bedtime and the lights go out, the Kadoatie cries continuously until you turn them back on. I hope you like to sleep with the lights on.
Babaa is easily scared and will usually hide under your Neopets bed all the time!
This double horned fishy thing can breathe out of water.  Nuranna also have the ability to float in mid air for short periods of time.
Splyke seems to be always shocked at something... and is startled very easily.  Do not make loud noises or sudden jerky movements in its vicinity.
A Selket will burrow underground at the first sign of danger.
Anubis is a friendly little fellow, who will try not to judge you in any way.
A Wadjet loves nothing better than to curl around your NeoPets neck... sometimes it can be mistook easily for a necklace.
A Horus is very wise, and can warn your Neopet of danger.
Khnum is a lazy fellow who will lay in the sand all day if left alone.
Apis store water in their hump, which helps them go without water for many days when traveling across the desert.


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