News Flash :

This is a message to the guilds that declared war on us.

Posted By Message
05/30/2001 "War related statement from the Neo Army (the real one)"

Hello everyone.

I am Colonel Flasher_T, Co-Founder and Commander of Public Relations, speaking officially on behalf of the Neo Army.
There are some points that have recently occured to us.
I'd like to discuss these points out in the open, so everyone in the three guilds would have a chance to see them.

1. We are the First and Official Neo Army. That is what we are, but not our name.
Our name is not Official Neo Army, or Neo-Army.
It is "The Neo Army", or "Neo Army".

2.The Neo Army as an organisation has no plans either at present or in the foreseeable future to be involved in any kind of warfare with any other guild.
You are free to set up your private Battledome matches with our members, but please know that they are not acting on behalf of the Neo Army.
To put it short: We do not want to go to war with you, and last I checked there was no way you could make us.

3.As Commander of Public Relations, it is my job to handle all the inter-guild affairs.
Any further questions should be directed to me (although you could also send a copy to Gen. neo17397).

4.Slightly alarming is the progress of katie78's guild, or rather the way in which this progress was achieved.
I have been monitoring this guild for a long time, and there is an obvious pattern.
The founders of this guild state that they will go to war with the Neo Army when they have a certain amount of members.
Once that amount is reached, they put up a new figure. I do not wish to make accusations, but since this has been going for too long, as well as the fact that we have posted on this board before that we are not planning to engage in warfare and katie78 knows that,
the whole concept looks too much like a scam. The only reason I'm talking about this now is the fact that this guild is no longer called tha TPAFA but is naming themselves after the Neo Army, which has no wish to be in any way associated with such actions.

5.The founders of the Neo Army would greatly appreciate if you would call off your so called "spies" who post pointless messages on our guild board (for one, user ilikecheese130).
If you do not do this, we reserve the right to take adequate measures.

6.Would someone please be so kind as to explain why you wish to go to war with the Neo Army anyway?
I do not recall anything that could be a reason.

-Yours truly,
Col. Flasher T
The Neo Army.


This is the respond we got back from The Neo Military:

Hello. I am Gen. Yeroc528 of The Neo Military.
I will call off the war and get the spies out of your guild.
If you have spies in ours please remove them. Now to answer a your question.
The reason that we were going to war with your guild is because we allied with your enemy. That alliance is also being called off.
Part of our agreement was that we would each put a link to eachothers guilds and we would help the neoarmy fight your guild. Katie87 failed to do her side of the agreement.
I have two questions for you: I was informed by a member of my guild that you were planning to hack into some of weaker members accounts.
Is this true? Now that we don't have an ally would your guild like to become an ally?
Thank you for time. Sorry if we caused any trouble for your guild.
General Yeroc528


We have allready responded back to Gen.Yeroc528, and said we would gladly accept their peace treaty and hope to stay in peace with them in the near future.

we are still waiting for a respond from katie78 , you will be kept posted through this page and the guild board.


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