Tips on making neopoints

The best and fastes way to get neopoints is to play games, you might get sick of it sometimes but hey, if you want to get points dont nagg and just do something for it , nothing in live comes for free right:)

below youll find some tips to which games
you can play that give neopoints each day.

Scroll down for other ways in making neopoints


Kacheek Seek:

This game gives you about 400 np or more each day per pet , so when one of your pets gets bored switch over to the other one and play on , with 4 pets youll be at atleast 1200 np then.

Kiko Match:

You can play this game 3 times a day , if you score above 110 points which is a piece of cake your score will be doubled which wil be 220 then but, if you do it quickly you also get points from the time bonus , so this will give you even more .

Meerca Chase:

You can play this game 3 times a day, its not that hard and you can get loads of points with it, score more then 600 points and youll also get a magical meerca plushie!


Poogle Solitair:

You can play this game once everyday , and if you solve it correctly you will get 750 np and maybe you are even lucky enough to get a poogle toy ,or intelligance increasment for one of your pets!
Click here for the Poogle Solution

Whack The Beast:

You can play this game 3 times to get np, it wont give you that much points if you play it good you can get around 200/250 but how knows you might be really good at it and score much more! But anyways its free and it gives points.

Chomby and the Fungus Balls:

This is also a 3 times a day game , but it can give you quiet some np if you get the hang of it , I myself (Gen.neo17397) always get to 800/900 np and stop so ill also get the magical plushie (at 800) but ofcourse you can play on and get even more points , 3 times a day 800np isnt to bad I think right?

Bumper Cars:

One of the newest games on neo and quiet a sensation , its not that hard to play but it can give you loads of points if played good , its also a 3 times a day game but you might get hooked on it LOL
Click here For some tricks on bumper cars

Well these are just a few tips on games you can play have a look at all the games in the game room , youll find that their are loads of more free playable games that give alot of points each day and we have solutions for quiet a few aswell so start playing today!


The Wheel of Excitment is a great way to make neopoints or to get items.
Although It can make your pets sick aswell, but then just go to the healling spring cure them and no harm done:)
You can go every half an hour (30 min.) and it costs 100 np per spin

Prizes on the Wheel of Excitment:

100 - 100 neopoints
200 - 200 neopoints
500 - 500 neopoints
1,000 - 1,000 neopoints
2,000 - 2,000 neopoints
10,000 - 10,000 neopoints
Heal - The light Faerie heals your pets
Skull - Your pet will come down with an illness
Magic Item - You get a magic item
Secret Item - You get a rare item
Pant Devil - He will steal one of your items
Lava Ghoul - Takes away hit points
Lightning Bolt - Zaps your pet and takes away hit points
Light Faerie - She will bless your pets ability in light
Dark Faerie - She will bless your pets with bless your pets ability in darkness
Mystery Prize - Anywhere from 1 to 99 neopoints.


The Wheel of Mediocrity, it never gives out that good a prizes as the other wheel but it does give out alot of tyrannian furnitre food an pet pets.
Same as the other wheel your pet can also get sick of this but again the healling spring is always open:) Costs 50np playable ever 50 min.

Prizes on the Wheel of Mediocrity:

10 - 10 Neopoints
20 - 20 Neopoints
100 - 100 Neopoints
200 - 200 Neopoints
1000 - 1000 Neopoints
Fireballs - Takes away hitpoints
Garrl - He roars at you but causes no damage
Earth Faerie - She will bless your pets ability in Earth if it has one
Tyrannian Food - You will get Tyrannian Food at Random
Tyrannian Furniture - You will get Tyrannian Furniture at Random
Tyrannian Petpet - You will get a Tyrannian Petpet at Random


If your really low on neopoints under 200 you can get some money from the money tree
but youll have to be really quick as its gone in less then a sec.

You dont really have to be poor anymore tho with all these games neo has on now a days , also you can get free food everyday at the tyrannian giant omelette,

best thing is you can feed your pet 3 times with one whole omelette!

A goo way to get some cheaper items through the main shops is buying them on the 3th of every month , thats half price day , all items will be reduce by half their prize!

Also the Garage sales is a good way to get some cheaper items , it sometimes has faeries for only a few np also all kinds of other stuff , just hang out their a while and keep refreshing it a bit, who knows you might be lucky and find an item or np on the floor!

Another way to get quiet some np's is by playing Grundo's Gym you will get np and sometimes you will also get an extra item, you will have to be really fast with your mouse but who knows you might be a really good in it , just try it out.

Also a thing to do every 2 hrs. if you have the time is doing the treasure hunt, you have to solve about 15 different clue's youll get along the way and when finished youll get a piece of space map!

Compleet the map and get 3 items varying from common to ultra rare, your pets can gain in stats, and a dozen of np, most of the time above 10k.


Quests, now we always get alot of people asking about those, the best Quests ofcourse are the Faerie Quests, these will not give you np but they will always increase your pets stats, BEWARE tho never ever do a quests for the Earth Faerie if its an Expencive item,
why you would ask ofcourse?
The Earth Faerie only give food to your pet, she will make them bloated but your pet wont gain any statistical points, also if other faeries ask an item thats really expencive, id advise you not to give it, you will only gain 1 sometimes 2 statistical points of a kind.

Fire Uber-Faerie:
Light Uber-Faerie:
Earth Uber-Faerie:

This Faerie keeps scorching her outfit and needs more clothes. In return she will increase your pet's strength.

The Light Uber-Faerie requires specific trading cards and will raise your pet's level.

In return for certain magic items, the Earth Uber-Faerie will give one of your pets a grand feast!


Air Uber-Faerie:
Dark Uber-Faerie:
Water Uber-Faerie:

The Air Uber-Faerie wants certain beauty products to make her more radiant. In return she will make your pet more swift.

The Dark Uber-Faerie requires some test subjects for her spells. Bring her a model or toy and she will increase your pet's health in return.

Water Uber-Faeries will raise your defence for a price. They are hungry for knowledge, and if you provide what they need, they can be very generous.


The Faerie Queen:
On rare occasions you will be offered a quest from the most powerful Faerie of all. Be warned, her challenge will be very tough, but if your pets are up to it, her rewards are great.

Other Quests you can do where you have the change to increase your stats are : The Underwater Kitchen at Maraqua and The Time Machine at Tyrannia

The Kitchen Quest can give you levels up,strenght,defence,agillity, and hit points....but it can also give you a cheap item or np's , so i advise you not to do a to expencive quest for him as you dont always get stat points.

The Time machine can give you levels ups , but youll also always get an item and np's , you can also gain points in the Tyrannian army. Also as the kitchen ont do to expencive quests cause you might just get a cheap item and a few points back.

Well this leaves the Snow Faeries Quest, the Spooky Witch and the Esophagor/Braintree.

The Snow Faerie Quest can be very rewarding if you dont have to get to much expencive items
Youll always get an item a snowball and np's back this mostly is around 300np and more.

The Spooky Witch is good if you want some Spooky food but most of the time the item you get will be really common and sold for less on the market then that you paid for the Quest.

The Esophagor works along with the Brain Tree, you accept a Quest from the Tree, then you go to the Esophagor and get the food he needs , bring it back and youll get one of the 2 needed answers for the tree. Then you go back to the Esophagor get him the second batch of item(s) and get the second answer . Most of the time at first he will ask something not that expencive and affordable but alot of times he will ask somethng really rare that costs a load of np's my advice is if its something really cheap the first time, try the second , if your lucky he might ask you something not that expencive. Return to the Tree with the answers and you will be rewared with an item and np's , this can vary at the moment since neopets added a jackpot, highest at the moment is 44k.


well these are just a few hints and tips, more will be added soon, so keep checking back!!!